CDP Cisco Client is a highly efficient network monitor and troubleshooting tool for network administrator and network engineer. |
First,CDP Cisco Client is a CDP Client for windows host. It is able to use the CDP(Cisco Discovery Protocol) to send host information to connecting Cisco devices . |
CDP(Cisco Discovery Protocol) is a private Cisco protocol and only used in Cisco's devices such as Cisco router, Catalyst switch, IP Phone, and so on. |
As the service version of , CDP Cisco Client (CCC) would produce a CDP Cisco Client Service (CCCS) in the system after CDP Cisco Client is installed . Users could start or stop CDP Cisco Client Service manually through Service Control Manager . |
All CDP data sending/receiving work are finished by CDP Cisco Client Service in the backgroud . CDP Cisco Client Service could be installed or uninstalled manually by execute "cdpservice /install" or "cdpservice /uninstall" in the directory of CDP Cisco Clientgroup . CDP Cisco Client application is the control program of CDP Cisco Client Service. |
With CDP Cisco Client, Users could send the information (CPU numbers and models, host name, login name and the windows version, service pack version, memory information, Disk information, the network adapter name, ip address) of windows host to the connecting Cisco device , and users could get and display the information of the connecting Cisco devices, such as device names, device models, connecting port , administive ip address, IOS version, VTP Domain Name, and so on. With these information, one could easily learn the total topology of whole network and do troubleshooting. Once the CDP(Cisco Discovery Protocol) information changed (such as the link or device failed, or the setup of Cisco device changed), CDP Cisco Clientwill detect and display related info. |
So as the Cisco client of windows host, CDP Cisco Clientcould monitor your network automatically . Especially, CDP Cisco Clientcould send the information of the host to connecting Cisco devices. So the LAN Management Solution and the Routed WAN Management Solution of CiscoWorks 2000 Campus Manager could get these information through CDP and show the total topology of your network in graphics mode, including not only the Cisco network devices, but also PCs and hosts. Users could monitor all network devices (including windows hosts) in Cisco's Network Management software. |
What could CDP Cisco Client do for you ?
1. To learn the topology structure of whole network . |
With CDP Cisco Client, users could learn Cisco devices connecting with windows hosts , and network administrator could learn all the windows hosts connecting with the Cisco devices by execute "Show cdp neighbour" in Cisco network devices. |
2. With CiscoWorks 2000 users could list the position and info of all network devices and windows hosts in the network in graphics mode. |
Usually CiscoWorks 2000 could only list the structure chart of Cisco network devices ,With the help of CDP Cisco Client, CiscoWorks 2000 could also list the distribution of all windows hosts . |
Who need CDP Cisco Client |
1. Network Administrator |
Network Administrator could learn all the connecting windows hosts by execute "Show cdp neighbour" in Cisco network devices . |
With CDP Cisco Client , the administrator could do a perfect remote admin . |
2. Network Engineer |
Network Engineer could "see" all PCs running CDP Cisco Client through Cisco devices ,which could help Network Engineer to learn the present network structure quickly . |
Usually each detected target is assigned an icon to display present state ,which consists of : |
A Host B Switch C Router D Other Device  |
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